Easy scholarships are great ways to earn quick and fast money for school. They don't require too much effort and can oftentimes either substantially decrease or help payoff the amount you owe in student loans. The tricky part is finding these ever-so elusive programs. They can come in the form of sweepstakes in which case all you need to do is register and wait to be notified. Also, if not big on writing, no essay scholarships that substitute one activity (writing essays) for another like creating a video, photography, community service projects or anything else are easy to those who are passionate about things other than literature. Scholarships that speak to your interests and allow you to do what you love while being able to receive a financial reward are extremely valuable and worth the search.
Typically, companies that provide easy scholarships do so as a way to gain attraction to their product or service. A college-based company offering a sweepstake scholarship is a great motivator since everyone loves free money, so students will surely flock. Also, major companies will often give back to the community through grants and scholarships that not only benefit students, but increase interest in their brand from average consumers which, of course, benefits them. They'll likely lower the standards for financial need scholarships so that those who often get passed over will get the help they need. Nevertheless, easy scholarships make an attractive marketing tool and a good way to connect with the people.
Below are a few notable scholarships that fit the description above:
Walmart Associate Scholarship - The ubiquitous grocery store chain offers easy scholarships for employees and their dependents. All that's required is that you've worked at a Walmart location for at least six months and have maintained a 2.0 GPA. Depending on which type of institution you enroll, community or 4-year college, will determine how much you receive in aid.KFC Colonel's Scholars Program - Grab a bucket of original recipe and win a scholarship to help pay for school from this scholarship. If you hold a 2.7 GPA then you're eligible of receiving $5,000 per academic year for four years from the KFC Scholars Program. This is a very generous program and shouldn't be passed over. They desire students who have the entrepreneurial spirit, are in financial need and who have great potential to succeed in the professional world.
These scholarships are for those who simply can't afford to pay the rising costs of tuition, but there are other scholarships that have little to no eligibility requirements whatsoever. Here are a few below:
eCampusTours.com Sweepstakes - This scholarships awards $1,000 to two students who have created an account on the website and registered for the scholarship. The winner of this contest is selected by random drawing and will be notified by email if they've won. This site offers great tools to enhance your college searching process with virtual tours, helpful articles and tips for applying to college.Wells Fargo CollegeSTEPS Scholarship - This is another random drawing scholarship, i.e. scholarship sweepstakes, that gives students the ability to lower the cost of tuition by $1,000. Scholarship contests like these often gain a huge crowd which decreases the odds of winning but are definitely worth a try. Yet, with so many sweepstake scholarships available, applying to more than just one will give you better luck.
Other popular sites that offer easy scholarships include CollegeProwler, Zinch and Fastweb. They provide college and scholarship matchmaking tools that locate information specifically catered to you. Depending on how much time you have, signing up to a few of these websites is a great idea if you want your list to be comprehensive.

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